" " Cherry Bobbins | Avoid Buying Fast Fashion

Why you should avoid buying Fast Fashion

In an industry that is producing 2 millions tons of clothing waste each year, we remain conscious about the decisions we make when selecting fabrics and designing. Our objective is to ensure that this brand doesn't become another statistic in the fast fashion chain. 

Fast fashion is define by clothing that has low-priced off-shore production which moves quickly from design to retail stores, to meet trends. It can also be identified as brands who specialise in copies of other designers at cheap prices, produce clothing in extremely large quantities and use fabrics that fade or peel after a few wears. 

While the appeal and demand is high for these brands, its important to remember, if you are paying an extremely 'cheap' price for a garment, imagine the amount the workers are being paid to produce it. It's usually made under inhumane conditions and unachievable daily targets, causing emotional and financial stress on the individuals producing the garments. 

Cherry Bobbins garments are produced in small quantities and we additionally don't use generic rayon or viscose, as they are the most commonly made from wood pulp. Approximately 30% of rayon and viscose used in fashion is made from endangered and ancient forests, resulting in between 70-100 million trees being cut down every year to keep up with the demand of manufacturing.

Clothes are an essential part of our daily lives but being conscious about what we are buying and it's contribution to the environment is important. We recommend buying quality garments that last longer, timeless pieces which don't date quickly and versatile clothing that can mix and match with your current wardrobe items.

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